
Corpulex 7

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He held it up to the light, admiring the formula's amber hue. Floating inside that small glass bottle, glistening in those few ounces of fluid, were fifteen years of his life. Fifteen long years, that's how long it had taken him to perfect Corpulex 7. He carefully put the bottle in a special container in his briefcase and took one last look around his laboratory. The university board had stripped him of his title as research specialist, taken his lab away from him, and tried to relegate him to instructing the banausic masses of adolescent neophytes who had no inkling of the true artistry required to create pharmaceuticals. Refusing to cast his pearls before the swine, he had immediately tenured his resignation. He knew that his 'supposed' peers were all foolishly blinded by their jealousy of his brilliance. He knew that they were only afraid of the truth: that he had succeeded where all of science and medicine before him had failed. He had solved a mystery which had stood inviolate through all of time. Out of their fear and petty jealousy, they had tried to stop him from proving his discovery - stop him from giving his formula the ultimate blessing of irrevocable truth - stop him from testing it on a human subject.

His final survey complete, he closed his briefcase with a definitive click and slowly walked toward the exit. He turned off the lights as the passed through the doorway. This laboratory had been the birthplace of his discovery, he thought, but it would not be its grave.

As he drove out of the city and onto a winding country road, he recalled the countless hours spent testing Corpulex on laboratory animals. He remembered every mistake, every nuance, every refining discovery. He mentally retraced his progress from animal to animal - from mouse to dog to pig to monkey. At each step he had encountered failure and frustration, but had faced them with the power of his intelligence and the force of his determination. None had believed him, but time after time his theories remained incontrovertible. They refused to recognize his genius because they lived in a society indoctrinated by the diet, blinded by exercise, and fed by the synthetic supplements used to curtail the power of the calorie. But he had not sought to escape or elude fat, he had struggled to harness it by stripping away its debilitating effects: to govern the very forces of obesity and make them bow before him. Diet pills and dietitians would become obsolete. A multi-billion dollar industry that had preyed upon the 'overweight' would be brought to its knees before him.

He allowed himself a wry smile as he pulled into the graveled driveway. He had known that this day was coming. He had long expected that the university would withdraw their funding and he'd taken steps to circumvent their pettiness. The building before him was the only one for miles. It had been a sawmill once but now it would serve as his laboratory. It had taken half of his inheritance and the liquidation of many of his assets to convert the mill into a suitable lab. To him, the expenditure was but a small inconvenience on the way to his goal. In these desolate woods, he could carry out his work and finish his masterpiece.

As he entered the main lab, a huge room flooded with fluorescent light and replete with devices, he saw Diana Price sitting on the edge of the plushly padded platform that would be her bed. Beside her was his assistant Joan Houghton, a former graduate students of his. She was taking a blood sample as she informed him that everything was in perfect order. The doctor nodded and slipped into his white coat. He drew a deep breath in expectation and then removed the bottle from his briefcase and pulled a syringe out of the drawer. Carefully, he held them up to the light and inserted the needle through the rubber seal, drawing out a few precious ounces of his formula. He walked over to Diana and stood, peering down at her over the rims of his glasses. It wasn't too late to turn back, he said. He would understand her apprehension and bear her no malice. She chuckled and said, no. She wanted to do this; she wanted to help him prove his theories, and besides, she liked the idea of being famous. He smiled broadly and thanked her as he silently appreciated his luck in finding such a willing participant. She would be the perfect vessel for his creation.

Diana was a twenty-six year old, attractive, well-proportioned 250 pound woman. Her fleshiness was no matter of inherited genetics, but had been wrought from many a snack and a host of overindulgent meals. He had first noticed her at the school cafeteria months earlier. At the time, he estimated, she weighed in at about 230. She had caught his attention for two reasons; 1) she was a remarkably plump beauty, 2) her tray was filled to capacity and included generous helpings of dessert. He covertly watched her as she sat down alone, then slowly and meticulously devoured every morsel, leaving little work for the dishwashers. Before she got up from her table, she undid her belt a notch. He took note of her and, over the next few days, figured out her eating schedule and managed to be in the cafeteria almost every time she was. After almost two weeks of observing her, to make sure her appetite was constant, he introduced himself. He carried his tray over to her table and commented that he'd noticed that she always ate alone, like himself, and wondered if she would like some company. She did.

They ate together regularly, and over the next few months, he got to know her better. She was a loner, with no family to speak of and no real friends. She'd been in college before, studying biology, but had dropped out when her parents were killed in an automobile accident. With no siblings to turn to, she spent years working odd jobs in different cities. After a few years of mourning and healing, she had decided to return to finish her degree. The thing he liked most about her was that she was unapologetic about her appetite and her size. She said that, since she'd been forced to be independent, she'd also learned how to disregard other people's unneeded opinions of her. He commented that, as a personality trait, it manifested itself in very aesthetically pleasing forms. She took it as a compliment as he silently observed that their mealtime meetings were beginning to add more pounds to her already hefty frame. In short order, he introduced her to his research, telling her of his work and sharing his theories with her. All the while he was trying not to make her suspicious of his intents while also attempting to pique her interest. He gradually convinced her that his formula was going to do what everyone else thought was impossible. She was enthralled. She hadn't even known that any such thing was imaginable. He assured her that, it was not only practicable, it would soon be a reality. As more weeks passed, they got to know each other as friends. She made a few advances towards him, but he kindly insisted that their relationship remain platonic. With no friends or family to muddle things up, he also didn't want to complicate matters with a relationship since, unbenownst to her, he meant for her to be the vehicle to prove his theories. At times it was difficult since he considered her to be incredibly attractive, but the formula mattered above all else. It took a series of requests, explanations, promises, appeals and bargains, but before the university canceled his research, she had agreed to help him by letting him test his theories on her.

This was no small offer, since his plan was to test Corpulex 7 on a human subject by administering it and then proceeding to fatten the person up to world record proportions. His established goal was 2,100 pounds. He knew that, if he could get a person up to that weight while still keeping them in perfect health, the medical profession would have no choice but to acknowledge his genius. She had remained uncommitted until he spelled out the full terms of their arrangement. For one year of her cooperation, he would to pay her fifty thousand dollars, take care of her every need, and feed her more food than she could possibly imagine.

Diana looked around, surveying what would be her home for the next year, as Joan rubbed an alcohol swab on her shoulder. The doctor bent over and carefully administered the first of her monthly injections. As the last drop of fluid disappeared and the needle was removed, a great rush of anticipation came over the doctor. It was one great step for man, he thought, and a one ton step for womankind.

Joan disappeared through a large set of swinging doors beside the bed and soon reemerged pushing a large cart filled with edibles. There was enough food stocked in the cupboards, the walk-in refrigerator and the freezer to last a normal person for years. All that food and more would be fed to Diana over the next year if everything went according to plan. Fortunately, Joan was not only an able lab assistant, she was also an excellent cook. Toward the goals of the experiment, everything in the cart was swimming in butter and cheese and grease. To give further credence to the effectiveness of his formula, she would be fed an exclusive diet of the most fattening foods in the world. Only a few vegetables and fruits would be served to her, and they would all be drenched in some incredibly rich sauce. Diana started her journey into extreme obesity with a platter full of a dish that Joan called Deep-fried Cheese Balls Alfredo.

Diana was fed around the clock. The doctor even set her up with an I.V. drip that would constantly supply her with a high calorie supplement. She wore it when she went to bed so that, even when asleep or going to the bathroom, she was still being fattened. For the first few days, she was incredibly uncomfortable as her stomach was continually stretched to capacity. The doctor's goal was to get her to gain an average five pounds each day - thirty five pounds a week - 140 pounds a month - which would all add up to 1820 pounds over the year, bringing Diana's weight to approximately 2100 pounds. (He wanted it to be 2.100 so she could be said to weigh significantly over a ton). At that weight, she would be all but immobile but, if the formula did its job, she would be as healthy as a person weighing one tenth her weight.

With an avalanche of food constantly going down her throat and the I.V. fortifying her intake, Diana immediately started swelling up like a balloon. He cheeks puffed up, her arms and hands swelled, her breasts expanded, her belly rolled outward, her hips and ass jutted further out from the rolls of her waist and her legs took on an increasingly chee-like consistency as they bloated with newly formed pounds of flesh. By the end of her first week, she was right on schedule at 285 pounds. This was due in part to the fact that the doctor had included appetite stimulants in her I.V. As each drop made its way into her blood stream, she continued to get hungrier and hungrier. Before the experiment began, he had told her that he would use them to help her increase her intake. Diana had no objections. Having submitted to the experiment, her main interest revolved around the food. If something helped her eat and enjoy more of it, that was all the better.

The doctor and Joan constantly monitored her condition. Pads were attached to track her heart rate and blood tests were run daily. She was also weighed and photographed twice each day. Careful notes were kept on every phase of her diet and its commensurate physical effects.

By the end of the second week, Diana tipped the scales at an even 325 pounds. Having added over 70 pounds to her bulk in only 14 days was having pronounced effects. Walking wasn't nearly as easy since her muscles hadn't been given much time to accommodate themselves to her newly added pounds. She was getting stretch marks, but they were barely noticeable since Joan massaged and oiled her skin three time a day. The most noticeable aspect of her growth was that she was getting so fat, so fast, that gravity was having a minimal effect on her physique. Every part of her body had expanded outward nearly horizontally. The second most noticeable aspect was that, as her body was hurriedly trying to decide where to store her new pounds of fat, her breasts and ass had borne most of the load. She had always been thick in these areas, but had grown so unproportionally that it was hard to fathom. Since all she wore was a gown her only sense of cup size was from the measurements that the doctor and Joan took, but they revealed that she'd gone from a DD to a HH. The extra four inch difference between bustline and breast was a lot for her to manage when she walked. Luckily for her, she rarely had to walk more than a few feet each day. She only got out of the bed to take an occasional stroll around the lab or to go to the bathroom. It probably would have been even more difficult for her to walk if her ass hadn't offset her breasts pound for pound. Her butt was a huge protruding shelf of quivering flesh that rocked and swayed with every step she took.

As Diana kept getting fatter, her diet was increased proportionately. On a typical day, Joan and the doctor would wake her in the morning to a breakfast of 20 pancakes drowned in real maple syrup, a dozen scrambled eggs with cheese, a dozen sausage bisquits loaded with gravy, a loaf of toast, a pound of bacon, three servings of coffee cake, and a half gallon of buttermilk to wash it down. After breakfast, she'd need a nap, after which they'd awaken her to her mid-morning snack: a dozen creme filled doughnuts, more buttermilk, and some cheesecake. Directly following would be her pre-lunch snack, a half gallon of ice cream and a dozen cookies. Lunch which would be a feast of fried chickens, mashed potatoes with sour cream and gravy, macaroni and cheese and green beans swimming in ham hocks with a chocolate cake for dessert. She'd have two snacks between lunch and dinner: usually a pie and then bowls of peanuts and bags chips with milkshakes and wine to wash it down. Dinner would be another feast loaded with cheese and bread and loads of deep-fried treats. Some evenings she would eat an entire turkey with loads of trimmings and a two layer cake for good measure. During all of these meals and snacks, she usually watched the large screen T.V. in front of her bed or listened to music on the stereo. After a full day of viewing, listening and glutting, she'd usually eat a before-bed snack, - a couple of burgers and a platter of fries and then a large, deluxe pizza loaded with meat and cheese.

The doctor hadn't anticipated that Diana would take to the experiment with such a passion. She had become totally consumed by being able to totally consume more food than she had ever dreamed of eating. Because of her amazing vigor, she reached 420 pounds by the end of her first month. Her body had stopped storing such a disproportionate amount of fat in her tits and ass and had switched to the belly and the hips. At such a size the pull of gravity was starting to show its effects. The bulk of flesh in her breasts, which had been spread relatively even, was being pulled toward the bottoms of her tits as they hung down past her navel. This was accented by the fact that her navel had long-since gone southward as her belly rolled over onto her bloated thighs, fast making its way toward her knees. Having exceeded her goal by thirty pounds also caused other dramatic changes. All during the experiment, she had only worn hospital gowns, but they were getting less effective at containing her girth. When she'd walk, the undulating masses of her swinging tits, her quaking belly and her lurching ass would cause the robe to come undone. The doctor had robes that would fit her, but the inconvenience and discomfort were unacceptable to her. She wanted to enjoy every minute of her gluttony without any annoying distractions. Diana decided to simply go naked. The doctor and Joan were constantly examining her anyway, so it didn't actually make much of a difference.

She was also experiencing and effect that none of them had anticipated. As she continued to get fatter, she continued to get hungrier. By the end of her first month she had gotten to the point where she could stuff herself every waking hour of the day and barely stay full. To help, the doctor ceased administering the appetite stimulants, but it had no effect. Her own natural appetite had grown to near-insatiability. Fortunately, the formula was performing better than could be expected and she was suffering no ill effects other than the problems associated with negotiating her mass and volume.

At the end of the second month, the doctor and Joan helped her onto the special scale by her bed and it read 590 pounds. Diana could no longer walk easily without the two of them helping her. Combined with her oppressive weight, she had gotten so fat that her belly and tits were putting too much pressure on her thighs it wasn't easy for her to move her feet. When she did move them, it took all her effort to keep her body from quavering uncontrollably. Every part of her would swing or wiggle or sway with every step. Distressingly, though the formula was continuing to protect her health, her appetite had grown to the point where she was completely insatiable. No matter how much she ate, she couldn't get full - and she stuffed her face during every waking hour. Her stomach had grown into such a cavern and the formula was helping her process her food so efficiently, that satisfying herself was a near impossibility.

Luckily, Joan came up with an answer that would help keep Diana satisfied while also helping the doctors plans reach fruition even sooner. She purchased 100 five gallon jugs of a chocolate, high calorie dietary supplement used by weightlifters. She fashioned a special, heavy duty I.V. stand that would support one of the full jugs. She then attached a six foot section of surgical tubing onto the opening and hung it upside down from the stand which she put directly beside Diana's bed. There was a pressure release clamp on the open end which went into her mouth. When Diana bit down lightly on the clamp, the fluid would begin to flow, gravity-fed through the hose. The harder she bit down, the faster the tasty brown fluid flowed. While feasting on one of her huge meals, she would occasionally take a few greedy gulps off of the jug to help her stay full. Diana was staying satisfied, Joan was proud of her invention, and the doctor was ecstatic at how well the drug was working.

By the end of the third month, Diana had reached 750 pounds and was becoming increasingly immobile. The doctor had established that, in addition to preventing the health threatening aspects of extreme obesity, Corpulex 7 also made the body process food much more efficiently. The end result was that nearly everything Diana ate turned directly into fat, which helped to account for the fact that she was a full seventy pounds ahead of schedule. Instead of being bothered by her incredible fatness, Diana actually enjoyed it. She was constantly seeing if she could consume more food than she had the day before. She had gotten to the point where she could drink an entire jug of Joan's fluid without stopping. Sitting up in the bed, her stomach spread out in a heaping mound covering and spreading her enormous legs, and reaching all the way to her feet. Her ass, hips and torso were so huge that she was literally couched in fat since the rolls of flesh were stacked so thick that they forced her chest up into her rolling chins, obscuring any signs of her neck. Her gargantuan breasts were being pushed to either side by her mountainous belly and were so huge that they sat beside her like two boulders.

Diana continued unabated. All of the tests continued to find her bodily functions in perfect order. In fact, her blood pressure and resting heart rate were lower than when she had started the experiment! To make her life easier and to promote the efficiency of Diana's weight gain, Joan had switched the jugs of high calorie supplement from a gravity fed system to a hydraulic pump. The new system held twice as much fluid and had four times the flow rate. The pump was strong enough where it could also propel thicker liquids through the tube. Joan started concocting fat-laden batters for her patient to try. She made buttermilkshakes and malts. She filled it with cheese soups and stews. Diana sucked each one down with equal relish and vigor. The doctor was amazed at how well Joan constantly kept up with her duties as assistant and chef, especially since they couldn't take days off. It seemed like Joan was as passionate about fattening up Diana as Diana was about eating. She was also putting on a few pounds of her own. He guessed that it was all that work in the kitchen testing and preparing all of those delectable dishes. He noted how the new pounds were filling her out in all the right places. He said nothing because his main attention was on Diana, but he couldn't help noticing.

Two more months passed and, with the aid of Joan's pump, Diana continued to stay well ahead of schedule. Her 1120 pound body was a sight to behold, especially since a side-effect of the drug pronouncing itself so noticeably. The doctor had thought that Diana possessed a recessive genetic tendency to store a disproportionate amount of fat in her breasts, but further tests showed that it was the influence of the formula. After she'd passed 800 pounds, they became her most prominent feature. He could hardly believe the transformation they caused in her body whenever she stood up. Diana's walking movement was confined to standing up beside the bed, turning halfway around, collapsing into the wheelchair (actually a converted forklift) that the doctor had had made for her, and then from the wheelchair to the toilet and back again. Her metabolism had slowed to such a point that she only made that trip once a day. But each time was an exhibition on the immense forces of gravity that threatened to make her collapse. To get her standing, the doctor had the bed designed with a special hydraulic jack underneath. With the press of a button, the bed would lift the head slowly upward while lowering the foot to the ground. As the bed got more upright, her body would slowly begin to sag away from her head. Her breasts had gotten so huge that they would touch the ground first and, to get her standing, they had to be pushed onto a wheeled platform at the foot of the bed. Her stomach followed close behind. Joan would pull the platform forward enough so there would be room for Diana's feet to touch the floor. Every part of her would head downwards as the bed forced her upright. Her cheeks would fall as her chest was pulled down by the weight of her massive tits. Her elephantine teats slowly transformed into two fleshy wrecking balls of titflesh barely supported by the striated, cleavage that started two feet below her chins. Each one was loaded with 125 pounds of fat, nearly a fourth of her body weight when combined. As the sagging process continued, her upper arms would roll down onto her forearms which then pressed down and partially obscured her hands. When she came completely upright., the doctor and Joan would position themselves on either side of her, helping her keep her balance as the rolls of flesh on her back settled atop the bulging masses of her ass cheeks, forcing forcing them to roll down onto her pile-sized thighs like two bellies. She could barely balance herself because her upper arms were almost too heavy for her too move them. For about five minutes, she would shuffle her feet (which were nearly covered by her calves) fractions of an inch at a time while the doctor and Joan helped to wheel her breasts and stomach around far enough to negotiate the wheelchair in behind her. Getting her seated required a harness attached to a block and tackle which hung from the ceiling from a rolling I-beam. They would lower her inches at a time until her ass was fully spread out on the chair and then wheel her to the bathroom.

At six months Diana was just under 1300 pounds. Her weight gain he had slowed down a bit because she was having trouble adjusting to her incredible poundage. She had to be sitting up in a particular position to be comfortable or the thick slab of fat on her chest made it hard for her to breathe. Her arms were so heavy that just getting her hands to her mouth to feed herself was becoming tedious. She had to be moved several times a day for tests and her oil massage, but it took so much effort for her to roll over that it left her nearly exhausted. Lying face down, she literally floated on her pools of breast and the mounds of her stomach, making her feel like a beached whale. She kept eating at an astounding rate because, at her near-immobility, it was all that she could do. The doctor informed her that, if she could continue expanding at a rate of 150 pounds each month, (an easier rate than she'd been maintaining)she'd be at 2,100 pounds in less than five months, and that they'd be finished with the experiment a full month before their deadline. Diana's reply sent him reeling. She said he had no right terminating their agreement prematurely. They had agreed that the experiment would run one full year and she expected him to keep his part of the bargain. He said that she wasn't being reasonable, that if she didn't slow down or quit early, there was no telling how much she'd weigh by the time they were through. She asked him what was wrong with that. He answered that he wasn't sure if even Corpulex 7 could keep her healthy at such an incredible weight. She asked if he was starting to have doubts about his wonder drug. He answered no, that he was just concerned about her well-being, that even though the drug had performed beyond his wildest expectations, he didn't know its upper limits of effectiveness. She said that she felt fine and that he should let her worry about it - after all, she was the one carrying around all the weight. In the end, the doctor conceded the point. They would go the full year, as agreed. He only hoped that she wasn't pushing herself too far.

After their talk, Diana started eating even more than before. It was as though, knowing that they were nearing the end, she wanted to milk the experience for all it was worth. It went on that way, in a constant deluge of food, until the tenth month when she slowed down because she just couldn't help it. She was so fat that she could hardly feed herself. The only parts of her body that she could still move to any degree were her head and arms. Their movement were restricted to where, when she was lying in the bed, she could barely turn her head because the fat of her chest would force her rolling chins up like a neckbrace. It took considerable effort for her to move her arms from the elbow down (since her forearms were the size of a regular woman's waist) and she had to have her upper arms sitting on top of her tits just so she could feed herself. She was so fat that only left the bed when it was an utter necessity. All this because reached the 2,100 pound mark and even gone a little beyond. At that weight she was so fat that she nearly defied description.

She had slowed gaining weight, but she hadn't stopped. By the end of the eleventh month, she had become so enormous that she covered the entire platform that was her bed and even began rolling over the edges in spots. She was still getting fatter, but it was hard to tell. Another two or three hundred pounds on a woman who weighed over a ton just didn't show that much. She was so immersed in the fat of her own body that it was all she could do to wiggle her fingers, blink her eyes and chew her food. Joan had become her nursemaid since she could no longer feed herself. Increasingly, they resorted to the feeding pump to keep her satisfied.

On the 365th day of the experiment, the doctor performed a complete physical on her and found her to be in perfect health, excepting for her complete immobility. Diana had been sat on a huge padded stool that was completely shrouded by her vast body. Her feet were on the ground but they were completely covered by her barrel-sized calves which were only half-visible beneath her redwood-trunk sized thighs. Her ass was spread out on the floor for several feet behind her in two cheese packed hills. Her arms were forced outwards from her sides as they sat on the tractor-tire sized rolls of flesh that surrounded her torso. Her hips were two precipices of fat that overhung the layered trunks of her legs. Her belly was a huge barge that spread out like a flood of fat that had just burst free her chest. It stretched out a full six feet in front of her, flanked by the two whales that were her breasts. They had grown so huge that they stretched out well past her great gut, settling into two, great, undulating mounds of flesh capped by dark, manhole-cover sized aureole and Vienna sausage sized nipples. Her face was a collection of rolling cheeks and jowls as it sat perched between the incredible pillows of her shoulders.

Corpulex 7 had proven itself beyond any fantastic requirements. The doctor bought Diana a dress the size of a parachute and hauled her to a pharmaceutical symposium in a semi-tractor trailer. None could deny the fruits of his labors. Diana Price was crown the fattest person in the history of the world and retired off of her share of the proceeds of the wonder drug. Over the course of three years she slimmed down to a svelte 1,000 pounds and married a weightlifter. During those same three years, knowing he'd be financially secure for the rest of his days no matter how extravagantly he spent his money, the doctor married his lab assistant Joan, and the two settled down in a mansion built atop a mountain. When they were last seen, Joan was well on her way to stealing Diana's crown.
Corpulex 7
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ProfessorDoctorC's avatar

It's nice how this and Magiie's story are now melding into a smorgasboard of extreme fatness.